With Corresponding Riehle Immigrant Ancestors
On this page we outline identified Riehle Family Segments (in some cases referred to as “family contingents”) in order to address communities of Riehle’s, mostly in North America but with roots back into Germany. By “segment” or “contingent” we refer to relatives of a given Riehle Immigrant Ancestor who came from Europe and/or settled in a particular community. Some of us have ventured some distance from these original communities but Immigrant Ancestors still provide a useful reference point as we research our ancestry.
The list is by necessity incomplete. Immigrant Ancestors who had no known Riehle surname descendants are not listed. The list thus excludes woman as well as men with only one or two descendant generations carrying the surname. This was done for the sake of brevity (and the editor’s time constraints) but please comment below if you have Riehle ancestry that might be thus excluded.
Please note that as we are using the term, a Family Segment includes family members back in Germany. For example, the Family Segment that descends from Clemens Riehle in America is part of the larger Wagshurst Riehle segment, which includes several of the other immigrants listed. We have Old World genealogical connections among the various immigrants from Wagshurst, supported by DNA connections in most cases. We are hoping to gain linkages among this segment and others out of Baden as well as among the various Württemberg segments, but for that we need your assistance.
In particular, we are very anxious to get Y-DNA haplogroup information for any and all Family Segments. Please see here for more information about the haplogroups identified so far. Also, if you have a significant Ancestry.com family tree supported by atDNA testing and with a significant number of Riehle DNA matches, that could be very helpful. In either case, please leave a comment below if you want to help contribute to this research.
The following then lists the currently identified Family Segments as characterized by their original Riehle Immigrant Ancestors, their places of birth, and the areas where their families settled:

Identified Immigrant Ancestors from the Wagshurst, Baden Family:
- Clemens Riehle – Wagshurst to Southern Ohio
- Martin Riehle – Wagshurst to Western NY
- Another Clemens – from Wagshurst to Western NY
- Hyazinth Riehle – from Wagshurst to Western NY
- Felix Riehle – Wagshurst to Southern Indiana
- Conrad Riehle, Son of Felix – Wagshurst to Indiana and Iowa
- Ignaz Heinrich (Henry) Riehle – Wagshurst to Southern Indiana
- Adrian Riehle – Wagshurst to Cincinnati & The Union Army
Identified Immigrant Ancestors from Elsewhere in Baden
- Joseph Eugene Riehle (1818-1892) – Baden to Upstate New York
- Brothers Martin & Armund Riehle – Baden to Cincinnati
- Joseph Riehle – Sasbach (Achern) Baden to Lafayette Indiana
- Carl Riehle and Four Adult Children – Baden to Kansas City, Mo.
- Bartholomew Riehle – Offenburg Baden to Ohio and Minnesota
- James Riehle – Nordrach, Baden to St. Paul
Identified Immigrant Ancestors from Mähringen, Württemberg
- Johann Jacob Riehle – Mähringen,Württemberg to NYC
- Johann Adam Riehle – Mähringen, Württemberg to Ohio
- Sebastion Christian Riehle – Mähringen, Württemberg to Indiana
- Johann Georg Riehle – Mähringen, Württemberg to Washington State
Identified Immigrant Ancestors from Elsewhere in Germany
- Ludwig Riehl from NW Germany to Eastern Pennsylvania
(many of Ludwig’s descendants now spell their name “Riehle”)

Access Riehle.net Family Trees

There are other communities with distinct Riehle Family Segments that we are aware of but about which we have little verified information. For example, we are well aware that Frederick and Henry Riehle founded or otherwise gave their name to and managed Riehle Brothers Machine Company in Philadelphia, PA in the second half of the 19th century and that there are many Riehle’s in this vicinity, including across the river in New Jersey. Despite this, we have been unable to identify Immigrant Ancestors or other commonality among these Riehle family members. We very much want to hear from this and other branches of the Riehle family that may not be listed above. Please respond below if you can help.
We have also received occasional requests to help find more about German emigrants here in America. You can explore these at Lost in America.
We seek the participation of serious genealogy hobbyists with an interest in the family to contribute to or even sponsor our coverage of individual Family Segments. The goal is to facilitate the process of Riehle family discovery and to provide a forum for those within each Family Segment to share what they know about the family. Please reply below regarding whatever interest you may have or get more information!

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If you would like to register with us, please leave a confidential comment below, ideally with some information on your Riehle family lineage or whatever you want us to know about you.
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Hello, my name is Ryan Riehle. I would like to possibly add a family segment to the greater Riehle family for addition to this site. I am a member of the Joseph Riehle Family that is located in Western, New York. Joseph is my 3rd great-grandfather. He emigrated to the United States in the 1840s and settled in Cattaraugus County, New York. He lived there for the remainder of his life where he had a child, William Riehle. William Riehle is the father to Norman Riehle and he, in turn, is father to my grandfather Alan Riehle. My grandfather Alan… Read more »
Ryan, thanks so much for this. Per my email sent yesterday, I’ll work with you to add this Family Segment.