
Your Link to Riehle Family History & Networking…


Riehle Family Trees

We are listing here Riehle related public family trees on Ancestry.com, or elsewhere as available. These trees or the various links provided for them are intended to correspond to our designated “Riehle Family Segments.” In a couple of cases, where two or more Immigrant Ancestors are part of a common tree, we provide multiple links to a particular tree.

If you have a tree for any segment which you think might better represent that segment we would be interested in reviewing your tree and, hopefully, providing an endorsement and link. More generally, if you are interested in otherwise providing input to or managing content for a Family Segment, please reply below.

To view these trees you will need to have access to the Ancestry.com website:

About our Trees

No family tree with more than a few ancestors is perfect and ours certainly are not. Some geologists set a very high standard for accuracy and we admire this. However, especially in the age of genetic genealogy, there is good motivation to “branch out” as far as possible with one’s online family trees. The more populated one’s tree, the more likely genetic connections can be recognized and followed through such online filters as Ancestry.com’s Common Ancestors and ThruLines(TM) functions. So we pull in additional relatives, near and distant, from other Ancestry family trees to the extent opportunities allow, looking for obvious errors and attempting to correct these, but giving the source the benefit of the doubt that the information found had some basis in reality.

Of course this is often not warranted such that you should use our trees with a healthy skepticism. Obviously our direct lineage is more tightly scrutinized than many others, and we assume you will scrutinize anything you might find for your own lineage with the same caution. Please do not hesitate to provide feedback toward correcting our errors and omissions. This will help improve our trees and is also an important element for improving ThruLines and other methods of determining genetic and genealogical connections.

Our Available Public Trees and Related Information

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Wagshurst Baden Tree:
The following are links into a single tree capturing Riehle Family members who descend from the Town of Wagshurst in Baden:
Riehle.Net Link: Clemens Riehle – Wagshurst to Southern Ohio
Tree Location Link: Clemens Riehle (1833-1927)
Riehle.Net Link: Martin Riehle – Wagshurst to Western New York
Tree Location Link: Martin Riehle (1831-1922)
Riehle.Net Link: Hyazinth Riehle – Wagshurst to Where?
Tree Location Link: Hyazinth Riehle (b.1786)
Riehle.Net Link: Felix Riehle – Wagshurst to Southern Indiana
Tree Location Link: Felix Riehle (1796-1868)
Riehle.Net Link: Conrad Riehle, Son of Felix  – Wagshurst to Iowa
Tree Location Link: Conrad Riehle (1828-1881)
Riehle.Net Link: Ignaz Heinrich (Henry) Riehle – Wagshurst to Indiana
Tree Location Link: Ignaz Henry Riehle (1828-1903)
Riehle.Net Link: Adrian Riehle – Wagshurst to Cincinnati & Union Army
– Tree Location Link: Adrian Edward Riehle (1840–1905)
Mähringen Wuerttenburg Tree:
The following are links into a single tree capturing Riehle Family members, primarily descending from Mähringen (south of Tuebingen) in the old Kingdom of Württemberg.
Riehle.Net Link: Johann Jakob Riehle – Mähringen to New York City
Tree Location Link: Johann Jakob Riehle
Riehle.Net Link: Johann Adam Riehle – Mähringen to Defiance, OH
Tree Location Link: Johann Adam Riehle
Riehle.Net Link: Sabastion Christian Riehle – Mähringen to Indiana
Tree Location Link: Sabastion Christian Riehle
Riehle.Net Link: Johann Georg Riehle – Mähringen to Wash. State
Tree Location Link: Johann Georg Riehle

Other Trees & Ancestral Details:

Riehle.Net Article Link: Joseph Riehle – Sabach (Achern) Baden to Lafayette IN
– Also his brothers Wilhelm to Lafayette and
Carl along with his four immigrant children to Kansas City
Tree: Joseph Riehle (1831-1893) Achern, Baden to Lafayette IN

Riehle.Net Article Link: Joseph E. Riehle of Erlach, Baden to Upstate NY
– Also brothers Martin and Armund Riehle of Erlach, Baden to Cincinnati
Tree Link: Frantz Joseph Riehle & Sons

Riehle.Net Article Link: Bartholomew Riehle – Offenburg Baden to Ross Co. OH & Farming MN
Tree: Bartholomew Riehle (1794-1876) – Offenburg

Riehle.Net Article Link: James Riehle – Nordrach Baden to St Paul
Tree: James Riehle of Nordrach Baden

Riehle.Net Article Link: Ludwig Riehl – Germany to Pennsylvania
(Many of Ludwig’s descendants spell their name “Riehle”)
Detailed Family Group Sheet: Ludwig Riehl (1746-1806)

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If you have any difficulty finding one of the above family
trees, are interested in hosting a Family Segment or have
any questions, please reply below.

Register as a Riehle.Net User

If you would like to register with us, please leave a confidential comment below, ideally with some information on your Riehle family lineage or whatever you want us to know about you.
No span; terminate at any time.

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