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Category: Ancestral Areas in Europe

Articles and posts about towns or regions in Europe from which our ancestors came.

IIgnaz (Henry) Riehle – Paternal Lineage

Ignaz Heinrich (Henry) Riehle 1828-1903 Josef Riehle 1803-1872 Michael Riehle 1770-1830 Martin Johann Riehle 1741-1830 Johannes Adam Riehle 1704-1782 Johannes Riehle 1674-1755 Markus Riehle 1650-1732

Some Dodged the Draft…

Okay, that may be a bit of drama. The Romans generally did not coerce enlistment into their military but the scenario depicted below, relating to ….

Hypothetical Recruit Dispatched To Swabia

We present here evidence indicating a man from the Balkans, carrying Y-DNA variants associated with subclade E-BY4793, migrated to Swabia about two millennia ago and ….