Riehle.Net connects you with various Riehle surname contingents, providing Riehle-related stories, lineages, and photographs while facilitating research into your genealogy and genetic-genealogy and providing a forum for you to share your stories and findings.
Our site has been online since early in the millennium but over the last few years we have implemented new formats for existing content and are compiling new content, including a greater focus on individual Riehle Family Segments and aspects of genetic genealogy.
The focus on Family Segments generally includes information on our Immigrant Ancestors and the family trees which we or others maintain for these immigrants, their Old World ancestors, and their New World descendants.
Our expanded coverage of genetic genealogy focuses on the increasing easy of genetic testing and the explosion of genetic data and genetic matches available to us online. We discuss autosomal DNA testing and matching services, both to link up with others having ancestors with the Riehle surname and as a tool for exploring other branches of our respective family trees. Also, since our site is primarily focused on the Riehle surname and since surnames in our society tend to follow the male-to-male lineage, we are attempting: to trace the Y-DNA haplogroups within and among the Riehle Family Segments.
We continue to look for better options for your participation, encouraging our registered users and guests to provide comments, participate in genetic research, and otherwise contribute to the site.
So please explore the site and feel free to leave comments or otherwise participate. We have had significant participation from near and distant cousins over the years, providing contributions concerning Immigrant Ancestors, ancestral lineages, and DNA testing and we look forward to more. Our goal is to continue to identify as many Immigrant Ancestors as possible and to have contacts within each family grouping and each Riehle family community in North America, as well as with more distant relatives in Germany.

Looking for Someone?
While we can’t capture information about all our Riehle ancestors we do have many identified. If you have someone you are looking for and don’t readily see them in the menus, try doing a search using the individual’s name (see search box on the right side of the page or below). If you still don’t find who you are looking for, please leave a note below with the name and any other information you might be able to provide and we will see if we can help.
Have We Missed Someone?
If you have information on a Riehle Immigrant Ancestor or other noteworthy Riehle family member that we’ve missed, we’d like to hear about that also.
Register as a Riehle.Net User
If you would like to register with us, please leave a confidential comment below, ideally with some information on your Riehle family lineage or whatever you want us to know about you.
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I am looking for a way to contact the former Riehle foundation as they are the copyright holders of a catholic Book I want to put back in print. Any advice?
Please add me to the subscriber list.
‘Hi there. Appreciate this site, although I don’t understand all of the genetic info. I am related to Bartholomew Riehle and was born in Chillicothe, Ohio. I now reside in Cincinnati. My brother lives on Windy Ridge Road in Chillicothe, just down from Bishop Hill Cemetery where many of the Riehle line are buried.
Is this different from the Riehl Family. Of Ludwig Riehl fame?
There are many immigrants covered on the site but since some of Ludwig’s descendants now spell the name “Riehle” we were happy to include his story. Go to “Family Segments” and look for Ludwig there or use the search box and type in, “Ludwig”. You can also search for “Kidnapped!”
I saw that. Im pretty Sure that Kevin is my First cousin. I understand now this is a different group of people though.
I have several photos of the F.A. Riehle family. My grandmother was Cornelia Riehle Widmeyer. If interested let me know where and how to share to this site.
Kitsy, thanks. I’ll provide an email address.
my family is from here way back to the 1700’s–berger