Hyazinth Riehle was born September 12, 1786 in Wagshurst Baden. Twenty-five years later he married Katharina Hurst either in Wagshurst or perhaps in nearby Achern. Katharina bore at least nine children, only four of whom survived to adulthood.
At some point, we don’t know when, Hyazinth and Katharina emigrated to America. We don’t have good information for this but we know that all four surviving children also went to America and that in May 1843 their son Martin arrived in New Orleans aboard the passenger ship Oregon, along with his 16 year old sister Anna Maria (shown on the passenger list as Maria).
The port of New Orleans is an interesting destination, considering that the two siblings most likely ended up is Western NY. Martin had a distant cousin from Wagshurst, Martha Riehle, who arrived in America with her husband Saraphin Mundy not long before this time. They settled in Southern Indiana with access to the Ohio river and boats coming up the Mississippi. It is possible that was his first stop, or not.
We have indications from another Ancestry Public Tree that Martin returned home in 1846 and there married Franciska Hurst and that he then returned to America where he lived and died. We don’t know if he and Franciska had any children or left any descendants. And we don’t know what happened to his sister Anna Maria or when his parents and his other two sisters, Isabella (b.1811) and Klothilde (b.1822) arrived in America or where any of them settled.
So you can understand that early in our publication of this site, Joan Riehle Ruse wrote an article, “Lost in America” that included Hyazinth and his family among the “lost”.
And so it stood when, more recently in early 2020, a very negligible DNA match showed a distant cousin in Rochester NY with a very well maintained family tree that traced up through Isabella Riehle. Isabella was the daughter of Hyazinth and Katharina. Apparently she married and had a daughter and although we have no details on the location of the marriage or the birth of that daughter, the daughter, Balbina, was married in Rochester in 1910 and for generations following, Rochester has been home for the family. So despite loosing five children soon after birth and the dearth of information on surviving family members, generations of Hyazinth and Katharina’s descendants have survived, one of whom is the fifth cousin of this Riehle.net editor.
[Note: we have since identified an additional 5th cousin DNA match through Isabella Riehle and her daughter Balbina. Our common ancestors are Johannes Riehle (1756–1828) and Helena Viox (1760–1837) of Wagshurst]

More about Wagshurst – Hyazinth’s Home Town in Baden
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Family Trees
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If you have any information on this branch of the Riehle Family, please comment below. Comments remain unpublished if requested.

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The Clara Maynard you picture on her wedding day here marrying a distant cousin of yours was my first cousin (even though I wasn’t born for another 17 years after she married!). Was searching for her and came across your site. Thanks for the picture.