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Category: Areas where We Settled

Towns or regions in North America where Riehle immigrants and their descendants settled

Conrad Riehle (1828 – 1881)

Wagshurst, Baden to Spillville, Iowa; His Life and Descendants Prepared by Dorothy (Riehle) Call Conrad1 Riehle was born November 24, 1828* in Wagshurst, Baden, Germany1,2, and died August 06, 1881 ….

Wagshurst, Baden

Wagshurst, Baden is a small hamlet in the present-day Germany Federal State of Baden-Württemberg. During most of the 19th century, when many of its sons and ….

Other Riehle Related Articles

Like other articles and photo collections on this site, those listed below cover Riehle family history, places, and people. Most are also linked from pages ….