
Your Link to Riehle Family History & Networking…


 Cornelia Riehle Widmeyer & Family 

Georgia (Kitsy) Osborne Parrish is a friend of the site, not to mention a second cousin! She has provided photos from her family which we are happy share here.

Kitsy is the daughter of Georgia Katheryn Widmeyer (1923–2009) and granddaughter of Cornelia Ann Riehle (1893–1984). Cornelia was the daughter Francis and Anna (Rapp) Riehle. She married George Robert Widmeyer in October 1919. They had four (4) children, including Kitsy”s mother, Georgia.

Cornelia Riehle Widmeyer
Cornelia’s home at 531 Brandon Av., Milford OH – prior to 1930 through 1950

Children of Cornelia Ann Riehle & George Robert Widmeyer
Georgia, Rosemary, cousin Marie, Eleanor
(Maria was the daughter of Cornelia’s brother John)
14 February, 1947

Thanks to Georgia (Kitsy) Osborne Parrish for these photos and other contributions to our website.

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