Martha (née LeSaint) Riehle turns 105 years of age on September 3, 3023, but before then she’s had another milestone. Nick and wife Stephanie are proud to present Kelly Eileen Ehrman, born July 19, 2023. As the photo suggests, Nick and Stephanie are ecstatic.
So Mom, er, Grandma Riehle, er, Great-Grandma Riehle becomes a great-great-grandma. Liz and Dan Ehrman (Nick’s parents) are now grandparents and Bill and Eileen Riehle are great-grandparents.

Martha LeSaint Riehle (b.1918) holding her great-great-granddaughter, Kelly Eileen Ehrman. Her son Bill Riehle is to the left, her granddaughter, Elizabeth (Liz) Riehle Ehrman is behind her and her great-grandson Nick Ehrman is on the right.
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