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Category: Immigrant Ancestors
Articles and posts related to Immigrant Ancestors and their immediate families, the areas they came from and/or the places they settled.
Return to Article on Adrian Riehle
Adrian Riehle was born September 7, 1840 in Wagshurst, Baden, the son of Benedict Riehle (1799–1847) and Theresia Ell (1806–1849). We have little information about his early ….
Ambroise Sicard & Pieterse Casparszen Mabie/MabilleImmigrant AncestorsFrom La Rochelle, France and Naarden (Noord-Holland) to New Rochelle, NYAncestor to Janet Curry Riehle and her Many Riehle ….
Mähringen is in the district of Kusterdingen, about 48 km south of Stuttgart and 8 km southeast of Tübingen in the old Kingdom of Württemberg ….