Ambroise Sicard & Pieterse Casparszen Mabie/Mabille
Immigrant Ancestors
From La Rochelle, France and Naarden (Noord-Holland) to New Rochelle, NY
Ancestor to Janet Curry Riehle and her Many Riehle Children and Grandchildren
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French Huguenot Persecution and Migration
Selected Family Tree Connections for Secord’s and Rousseau’s
Secord Tree back to 1610
New Rochelle Huguenot Immigrant Ancestors
Lineage to Janet Curry Riehle
Ambroise Secord/Sicard
Daniel Secord
Daniel Secord Jr
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Pieterse Casparszen van Naeerden Mabie/Mabille
Casparszen van Naeerden Mabie/Mabille
Catherine Pieterze Mabie
Sgt. John Secord Sr. 1725-1804
Sgt. John Secord Jr. 1757-1830
John C. Secord 1786-1857
Matthew Brock Secord 1814-1892
Frances Lucy Secord 1841-1920
Edward Hammill Almas 1883-1941
Edna May Irene Almas 1904-1967
Grandmother of Janet Curry Riehle
Shown above is a monument at Hudson Park on the shore at New Rochelle, NY. The names highlighted in the photo at the right (click to enlarge) are known ancestors of Janet Curry Riehle. There may may be others we have not been able to document.

At the right is the French Huguenot Protestant Church in Charleston, SC. Janet Curry Riehle and Peter Curry, with their spouses, encountered the church on a tour of Charleston in 2024. It is believed that Ambroise Sicard and family arrived in Charleston before moving north some time thereafter.
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