The traditions that placed so much importance on the first son are long outdated, as they certainly should be (this the opinion of a fourth son, of course). However we have several photographs of first sons spanning from Clemens and totaling seven (7) generations that we are pleased to share below.

The above Four-Generations photograph was previously used on p.1 of Riehle.Net: Clemens is seated, his eldest son Francis A. is on the right side of the photo, his eldest son Albert J. is on the left , and his eldest son Robert is sitting on Clemens’ lap. Robert (Bob) was born March 8, 1910 and died in 1999.
The same four are shown here several years later:

Below, Bob is second from the left, with Albert next right and Francis at the far right. Dennis (Denny) Riehle, Robert’s first son, is at the far left. Denny was born May 6, 1948 so we estimate this photograph to have been taken in the summer of 1950. The timing was fortunate as Francis would die in November of 1951 and Albert less than a year later in July 1952.

Next we have Bob and Denny with Denny’s son John Robert Riehle. John was born April 30, 1980

And the latest addition: Hunter Robert Riehle, born October 23, 2002. Hunter is the first son of John, who is the first son of Denny, who is the first son of Bob, who is the first son of Albert, who is the first son of Francis, who is the first son of Clemens, who came to America in 1854.

Thanks to Mary Riehle Heink for the 2 oldest four-generation pictures
and to Denny Riehle for the 3 subsequent photographs

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