James Riehle took a circuitous route to his new home in America. Born in Nordrach* Baden in 1877 (just to the southeast of Offenburg), he ….
Category: Areas where We Settled
Towns or regions in North America where Riehle immigrants and their descendants settled
Robert Arthur Riehle (1920–2012) served in the Pacific Theater during World War II as a bomber pilot in the US Army Air Force. He achieved ….
Ignaz Heinrich (Henry) Riehle 1828-1903 Josef Riehle 1803-1872 Michael Riehle 1770-1830 Martin Johann Riehle 1741-1830 Johannes Adam Riehle 1704-1782 Johannes Riehle 1674-1755 Markus Riehle 1650-1732
November 1, 2022 – A “Riehle of Germanic Europe” Surname Project has been established at Family Tree DNA in cooperation with Riehle.Net to explore Y-DNA ….